Ema Nymton wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> I despise baseball caps on adults, or rather I despise adults who wear
>> baseball caps.. may as well wear a big flashing neon sign that says
>> PINHEAD! The only times I wear a hat it's an extra wide brimmed hat
>> when working outdoors in the sun, and for outdoor winter wear I have a
>> huge collection of hand knit stocking caps that everyone envys. My
>> hats sare all utilitarian... I don't need to wear a hat otherwise, I
>> have a full head of thick wavy hair, I don't need to wear a hat to
>> hide baldness.
>Every time we have a hurricane, you will see female TV reporters, on
>camera, wearing baseball caps. I just can't stand it.
And they wear those with an adjustable strap in the back... they'd
look much better with two baseball caps connected strap to strap and
worn as a bra... Miller Lite on the right and Bud on the left!