Hag's Cook-In
On 25 Jul 2004 00:11:48 GMT, (Grismalkin) wrote:
>(This is from Karen, greykits)
Hi lady! Why'd you change your nick?
>Nice to see you around and to hear that you're doing so well! You guys must
>have had a blast! Uh, we are about the same age. I turned 37 this month.
Oh, I forgot all about being 37. Well, I'll be turning 37 next Thursday.
>Thrift stores, Salvation Army stores, Goodwill stores, and garage sales are
>great places to get some steals. I have bought so many designer outfits via
>the latter. A family friend, whose husband is a plastic surgeon, would buy
>some of his suits from Goodwill, but it was hush-hush. But she would look over
>the stuff for hours and find the right labels but I was never so patient. If
>the dress ties in the front, does that mean that anybody could just come up to
>you and untie it? Like Sheldon?
It suddenly occurred to me. Does the dress tie in front, or in back? I'll
have to try it both ways and see what I think.
>My brother has lost over 50 pounds on low-carb. If it works for you, great!
Last year, I lost 40 pounds on Atkins. Then we moved and were in a motel
for a month, eating fast food most of the time. I got tired of the weird
looks when I ordered burgers without buns, etc. I just sorta slid off the
wagon. I've started over, this time on the Bernstein Diabetes Solution.
It's stricter than Atkins, but its purpose is keeping blood sugars
regulated. The weight loss is just a bonus. So far, I'm down 13.5 pounds
in two months. Not too shabby.
>I haven't cooked much recently. I need to cook some fattening meals as my
>appetite is low as is my weight. I've always been thin but can't get thinner.
>Weight problems are weight problems, no matter if it's high weight or low
>weight. I think I will do something like chicken cordon bleu with a rich cream
>sauce tomorrow. Maybe some artichokes with hollandaise?
Those sound excellent! Get yourself some really decadent ice cream, too.
Oh, and I gained most of my weight last autumn and winter by eating a diet
of M&Ms and popcorn. HTH <G>
>Please say hi to Crash for me.
I sure will!