Half paper towels
On 4/20/2013 6:02 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I know people who tear dryer sheets in pieces and use just one tiny piece at
> a time, and reusing that piece numerous times to boot. And then they make
> snide remarks about people who dare to use a whole one and then throw it
> out! These are not people who grew up in another country.
Charlene, at work, did all the laundry and she would use softener sheets
over and over. She would get a new one each time, save the old one for
the next load, along with a new softener sheet added, and it would
continue. I kept my nose out of it, that was her territory. Charlene was
diagnosed with lymphoma and she died 3 months later, at the age of 74.
Excellent employee who never took a day off.
As far as wrapping gifts, I use gift bags, it is so much easier, but I
do not throw those away, either.