Thread: The Vegg
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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default The Vegg

On 4/18/2013 8:41 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> I think I finally found an egg substitute that will work for all of us!

It's interesting that site calls it an egg "yolk" substitute. Evidently,
the vegans are not so savvy on the subject of eggs. 48 meatloaves is
pretty impressive. I don't think I've even cooked more that one meatloaf
at time ever. Try making a custard pie - that would be cool. :-)

> This is a powder and it comes in a little pouch. Unlike the Ener-G egg
> replacer, it says you can actually use it as you would eggs. As in a quiche
> or something. I used it as a binder in my meatloaf and it actually did seem
> to bind! I actually never found a use for the Ener-G which if memory serves
> is merely potato starch. It did not do well at binding and it didn't help
> with baking.
> The only with this new stuff is... It smells like deviled eggs! So I am
> not sure you would want to use it in a sweet dish. But it should be
> perfectly fine for the meatloaves. I have 48 of them in the oven. Yes!
> 48! But they are small. I wound up not buying the beef that I was going to
> buy from Costco. Although it is organic, it is 85% lean. Which would
> explain why I found it to be overly greasy. I just wound up buying their
> regular ground beef. It is 88% lean. I would prefer leaner still but right
> now I am going for cheap. So that will have to do. I wound up buying 6
> pounds. My biggest bowl was full to the top after I mixed all the veggies
> and everything else into it. I sure do like the texture of this a lot
> better than I did when I used other binders or no binders, and when I used
> other fillers. I did use sourdough breadcrumbs. Not on South Beach, I know
> but Angela's dietician has her sort of on South Beach. We'll see how that
> works. She is supposed to eat that diet most of the time but doesn't always
> have to adhere to it. She feels that a diet for a person of her age is not
> safe. Anyway... I only put 6 slices in there and they were not the big
> ones so considering all the veggies and the 6 pounds of meat, that's still
> not a lot of filler. Just enough to lighten the texture a bit.
> Now... I just hope I can fit most of these in my freezer! It is pretty
> full now and I pulled all of the ice packs out. The good thing is that they
> are small. So I can bag them in small quantities and stuff them in the
> nooks and crannies.
> I wish you could smell my house now. Smells divine!