Dave Smith
On 2013-04-21, sf > wrote:
> Dave doesn't use banana liqueur, says it ruins the dish.
Dave! You musta done it wrong. Banana liqueur is essential and
should not be left out. Perhaps a better brand of liqueur. I've made
Bananas Foster several times and it always comes out excellent.
Brennan's Original Bananas Foster
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup banana liqueur
4 bananas, cut in half
lengthwise, then halved
1/4 cup dark rum
4 scoops vanilla ice cream
Combine the butter, sugar, and cinnamon in a flambé pan or
skillet. Place the pan over low heat either on an alcohol burner or on
top of the stove, and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Stir
in the banana liqueur, then place the bananas in the pan. When the
banana sections soften Bananas Fosterand (sic) begin to brown,
carefully add the rum. Continue to cook the sauce until the rum is
hot, then tip the pan slightly to ignite the rum. When the flames
subside, lift the bananas out of the pan and place four pieces over
each portion of ice cream. Generously spoon warm sauce over the top of
the ice cream and serve immediately.
Bananas need not be green. Yellow with no black spots is best.
Hard to mess up this dish. First time we (ex GF) made it, we were a
bit tippsy to begin with, yet it still came together flawlessly and
easily. Use real vanilla ice cream, pure cane brown sugar, fresh
ground cinnamon. Myer's rum is a good choice. DO NOT use one of
those crappy flavored rums! (shudder)
Enjoy =D