On 4/21/2013 1:10 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 11:59:10 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> I made grits this morning. I buy Lakeside Mills brand yellow grits:
>> http://www.lakesidemills.com/
>> I find the taste of yellow grits to be better, more "cornier" (if you
>> know grits you know what I mean) than other [white] milled grits. They
>> cook in about 20 minutes, no big hassle. Add butter (or in this case
>> Smart Balance with olive oil), salt & pepper.
>> To go with the grits: eggs, over-medium, simply seasoned with salt &
>> pepper. Nothing fancy, no sauces. Just a tasty filling breakfast.
>> Jill
>> P.S. The leftover grits will be chilled, sliced and fried on a griddle
>> at a later date. Possibly topped with a marinara sauce. Fried grits
>> are like polenta. 
> Somehow I can't fathom fried grits with tomato sauce... I'd have made
> this... good served with maple syrup:
> http://ths.gardenweb.com/forums/load...00746.html%3F7
Fried sliced polenta with tomato sauce is quite common as an appetizer
in Italian restaurants. Grits are a very close cousin to polenta.
Scrapple wasn't on our breakfast menu. Nor was maple syrup, although I
have some and if he wants it on grits he's welcome to it.