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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Restaurant recommendations in Boston area?

On 4/22/2013 7:05 AM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> Janet Wilder > wrote:
>> On 4/21/2013 5:15 PM, Susan wrote:

> -snip-
>>> I actually hit my lobstah limit one year, didn't know I *had* one!

> Mine is still unknown, unfortunately.<g>
>>> Susan

>> We have done Bah Habah many times. Our favorite Lobstah pound is in
>> Trenton, ME on US 1.

> The name didn't ring a bell, so I googled to see what the name of *my*
> fav was. I don't know if it was called that 20 yrs ago, the last
> time I made it that far north, but that's the one! [But it is off Rt
> 1 by a couple miles]
> The last time we were there, hurricane Bob was headed for Bar Harbor
> so my wife sent me for takeout while she taped up the windows in our
> cabin.

I recall being told by an idiot that taping glass windows when a
hurricane is coming was stupid. I don't think it's stupid to want to
prevent flying glass, do you?

> When I went back across the bridge there was
> bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way back to town-- going the other
> way. eery-

Yes, that would be eery.

> -snip-
>> I swear that I will have DH's tombstone read: "baseball is life, the
>> rest is just details"

> Do it. My wife's [in a National Cemetery] says 'Gone Kayaking'- and
> it still makes me smile. The feds only allow 13 characters
> including spaces so it also gives me, and, I'm sure, Kathy, great
> satisfaction that we used all of them.
> Jim

Nice inscription, Jim. It's nice you can smile about it. Sounds like
many good and shared memories and fondness. That's nice. The 'feds'
got my mother's date of birth wrong on her marker (also a National
Cemetery). I thought when they arranged the funeral they'd get the date
off the death certificate. Those dates are correct. But someone made a
mistake (not me!) on the marker; it says she was born in 1916, not 1926.

I was so overwhelmed by everything when Mom died I didn't notice the
typo on the year. You only have a short period of time to verify and
change things before they set the marker. My mother is probably
chuckling at having "officially" lived 10 years longer than she actually
