Restaurant recommendations in Boston area?
On 4/22/2013 6:05 AM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> Janet Wilder > wrote:
>> On 4/21/2013 5:15 PM, Susan wrote:
> -snip-
>>> I actually hit my lobstah limit one year, didn't know I *had* one!
> Mine is still unknown, unfortunately.<g>
>>> Susan
>> We have done Bah Habah many times. Our favorite Lobstah pound is in
>> Trenton, ME on US 1.
> The name didn't ring a bell, so I googled to see what the name of *my*
> fav was. I don't know if it was called that 20 yrs ago, the last
> time I made it that far north, but that's the one! [But it is off Rt
> 1 by a couple miles]
> The last time we were there, hurricane Bob was headed for Bar Harbor
> so my wife sent me for takeout while she taped up the windows in our
> cabin. When I went back across the bridge there was
> bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way back to town-- going the other
> way. eery-
> -snip-
>> I swear that I will have DH's tombstone read: "baseball is life, the
>> rest is just details"
> Do it. My wife's [in a National Cemetery] says 'Gone Kayaking'- and
> it still makes me smile. The feds only allow 13 characters
> including spaces so it also gives me, and, I'm sure, Kathy, great
> satisfaction that we used all of them.
> Jim
He's going to have mine engraved "she never paid retail"
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.