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Pico Rico[_2_] Pico Rico[_2_] is offline
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Default Rule Of Thumbs For Eating Leftovers?

"Chemo" > wrote in message
On Apr 23, 8:48 am, (Judy Haffner) wrote:
> I know some people don't care to eat "leftovers" from a meal, but with
> it just being hubby and I now, usually we always have some to store in
> the refrigerator, but I'm never quite sure just how long someone should
> eat on them.
> I can remember my grandmother saying she was making spaghetti, or a stew
> that would last them all week, but mostly I will toss out anything that
> is left after a couple of days has passed. We only have the freezer unit
> in the top of our 14 cu. ft. refrigerator, so generally don't freeze
> leftovers.
> I particularly like soups & stews, and spaghetti sauce reheated the next
> day, and some casseroles, as the flavor is better after it's had time to
> blend.
> So how long does anyone here keep leftovers around and eat on them,
> including cooked turkey, chicken, ham, etc.?
> How about salads, such as potato salad, or a pasta salad? Mom use to say
> potato salad should be dumped out after the 3rd day, so I've always done
> that.
> Judy

How old are you...12?


and holding.