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Pico Rico[_2_] Pico Rico[_2_] is offline
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Default Rule Of Thumbs For Eating Leftovers?

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 23/04/2013 5:15 PM, barbie gee wrote:
>> "Each year, Americans waste 33 million tons of food. "
>> I can't tell if people are uninformed, misinformed, lazy or just out and
>> out stupid. It's probably more like no one understands any more what it
>> takes to get that food on our tables, since it's so "cheap".

> Let's do the math..
> There are 313 million people in the US. Let's boost that 330 million to
> make the math easier. If there is 33 million tons of food per year that
> translates to 1/10th of a ton per person, 200 pounds per year, almost one
> pound of food per person per day wasted. How much food do people eat in a
> day... 1-2 pounds???
> Based on my experience. I find that hard to believe. I don't count
> inedible parts of food as waste. Orange and banana peels are not waster,
> Bones are not waste. I often make too much porridge and ended up throwing
> out 1/4 of it... a spoonful of grain. The figure you claim is close to 50%
> of our consumption. Sorry.... no credibility there.

well stated.