Twinkies, Hostess cupcakes etc back in July, August, September
> wrote in message
> On Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:07:43 PM UTC-4, notbob wrote:
>> Hopefully, they will be better than before the shutdown. The old
>> Twinkies had degraded to the point where the strawberry and banana
>> Twinkies were barely dicernable from the regular Twinkies, which are
>> no great treat.
>> nb
> Exactly. They taste like vegetable oil and sugar. The only reason people
> think the cupcakes are chocolate is because they are brown. Twinkies have
> some vague chemical taste. Little Debbie are cheaper and better, but still
> not as good as they used to be
Wow! If Little Debbie's are better then I *never* want to eat a Hostess
product again! Have not had one since I was a kid and didn't like them
then. I did try one Little Debbie thing after my friend told me how
addictively good they were. It was a chocolate peanut butter bar. Not good
to me at all! Tasted like chemicals and fat. Icky fat.