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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Washing Chicken Prior To Cooking?

Judy Haffner wrote:
> I was snooping into another cooking group today and they were discussing
> washing raw chicken, which I have always done before cooking
> it....rinsing it off under water and drying it, but a poster said that
> she was watching the Dr. Oz show and a doctor there said NOT to. He says
> by washing you are possibly spreading germs and fecal matter through
> your kitchen wherever a stray water droplet carrying the bacteria lands.

> How many here wash raw chicken?

Think about what they are saying though. Better to cook and eat dead germs
and fecal matter rather than wash it off and risk contaminating your sink or
countertop? Which you can easily clean? LOL

I use my dishwasher. It's the safest way to go and the perfect appliance for
this issue. Buy a few chickens, stand them up on the bottom rack, then run
the first cycle (with no soap). All bacteria water dropplets are contained
in a sealed environment.

Once the first cycle drains, remove chickens, add soap and let the
dishwasher continue on to clean itself. Just when you thought they were made
only for washing dishes.

But seriously, I always rinse off a chicken with cold water before cutting
or cooking.

G. :-D