On 4/29/2013 3:25 PM, Doris Night wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:30:50 -0700 (PDT), Helpful person
> > wrote:
>> On Apr 29, 9:55 am, Helpful person > wrote:
>>> Two methods:
>>> 1. Don't refrigerate your tomatoes, it removes most of the flavor.
>>> 2. Buy from a good source. If you start with a poor product there
>>> isn't much you can do. If you don't have a good source (like many
>>> people) only buy them in season.
>>> The suggestions given here are fine, but with a poor product they are
>>> just going to add their own flavor, not do much for the tomato (except
>>> perhaps for salt).
>>> http://wwww.richardfisher.com
>> To the people who have not noticed a much difference or have had their
>> tomatoes go bad instead of ripening:
>> If they were refrigerated on their way to, or at the store from which
>> you bought them, then the damage is already done.
>> If they went bad that is because they were previously refrigerated.
>> This damages the tomatoes and they will usually rot instead of ripen.
>> http://www,richardfisher.com
> I know that I shouldn't refrigerate the fresh beefsteak tomatoes from
> my garden. It makes a huge difference - they get very grainy and lose
> flavour.
> When we are picking them faster than we can eat them, we usually leave
> them on a table on the deck.
By the way, a little sugar really works!
Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
Extraneous "not." in Reply To.