Fried Chicken
In another 30yrs :-) My fried chicken was good hot, and it was good
cold, but in my tiny kitchen that was alot of work orchestrating it.
I have approximately 1 square foot of counter space :-)
The bowl with the egg mixture was on the counter, the bowl with the
flour mixture was balanced on the sink divide, the paper plate with the
naked chicken was in one sink, and the paper plate with the coated
chicken was in the other lol.
For my egg mixture I decided my cream was too old, so I mixed my egg
with a couple tbsp of condensed cream of chicken and mushroom soup. This
made more of a lotion than a thin liquid and clung quite well to the
chicken. I have also used condensed cream of asparagus soup with chicken
in the crockpot and its always good.
I used Zattarans Fish Fri dredge which was awfully bland hence I had to
salt and pepper the chicken. If there is a next time I will mix my own
America's Test Kitchen did an indirect heat grilled turkey the other
day. They said to let that bird rest for a full 45 minutes. They proved
with the meat thermometer that it was at the correct eating temperature
45 min later.
I could tell the same thing with my fried chicken-when I immediately cut
it open it had juice and steam galore. It was only slightly pink in one
spot at the bone, no different than how the grocery store's fried
chicken always looks when you bite into it, but I am paranoid about
chicken being well done hence the refry.
I took a picture for show and tell (the chicken was not dark brown by
any means) if I ever get around to getting a generic picture account set