"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in
>> Tell that to the victims of listeriosis. I'm sure your faith
>> in kapitalyism will reassuire the families of the deceased:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Ca...iosis_outbreak
>> Family member: "Paul M. Cook's naive faith in the invisible
>> hand is so heartwarming. I'm so glad my husband died before
>> socialists could implement life saving sanitary measures at
>> Maple Leaf Foods."
>> Other family members: nodding in approval.
> Victims should be proud they died for a good cause.
Seeing as you think that, I'm putting you in charge of spreading
the good word. Your first task, let the families of the victims of
the Texas fertilizer plant explosion know that without the
invisible hand preventing safety regulations, their family members
would still be alive.
Then you can tackle the families of the nearly 400 dead in Savar.
Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected
from happening.
-- Barbara Tober