Dangerous Bacteria Found In Ground Turkey
On 5/1/2013 10:27 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 23:43:03 -0800, Judy Haffner wrote:
>> Of the 257 samples of ground turkey tested, more than half were found to
>> be positive for fecal bacteria and overall, 90 percent were contaminated
>> with one or more types of disease-causing organisms, many of which
>> proved resistant to one or more common antibiotics, Consumer Reports
>> found.
> Once the USDA gets wind of this, they will no doubt crack down on
> these dirty turkey farms and make our food supply safe for
> consumption. Just as they are doing with chicken.
They're actually proposing to privatize the inspection of chicken
processing - by letting the processing companies inspect themselves.
Sure, _that'll_ work. The poultry processors will triumphantly report
that poultry failing to pass inspection has reached an all-time low.
And we can all feel safer, knowing the fox is guarding the chicken coop.