On 2013-04-30 18:27:03 +0000, Ophelia said:
> "gtr" > wrote in message news:2013043011192332974-xxx@yyyzzz...
>> On 2013-04-30 08:44:46 +0000, Ophelia said:
>>> "ImStillMags" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Apr 29, 7:29 am, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>>> Here's my tabouli recipe with the option of quinoa.
>>>> http://www.hizzoners.com/index.php/r...ads/77-tabouli
>>> Thanks, again
btw I know you will think this odd, but we have never
>>> eaten tabouli!
>> I didn't know one could avoid it. Are there no Lebanese or Greek
>> restaurants or gyro shops in your area?
> nope
Not unless I go into the city
I expect there will be some there
> but I have never seen them - although that might be because I have never
> looked for them.
Go where it's scary. Whenever you think, "jeez, this is no place for a
gal like me"; there you are--bon apetite!