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Jean B.
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Default Hag's Cook-In

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> A cheesecake (in a 9x13 pan) with a pecan crust. I hated the crust, and
> will make future cheesecakes with a parchment paper "crust." I also made
> all four kinds of my low-carb cookies. I may as well have been serving
> D-Con. LOL!

Hmmm. Guess I won't do THAT! I have used almond flour for a
crust, and it was decent. My pecan flour is a lot finer, and my
hazelnut flour is sitting, pretty much unused on the
counter--probably getting rancid.
> It was so hot in my tiny kitchen! I'd never used a gas stove before we
> moved here, and didn't realize that they heat every inch of the entire
> house when they're on. Wish I could afford one that's gas on the stove
> top, with an electric oven. Crash assures me that they exist, but that
> they're far out of our financial reach.

Yes, they do exist and seem the ideal combo to me. I have my
wretched ceramic-topped range. (It does have two induction
burners, which are cool though.)
> Next year's cook-in will be to celebrate my 50th birthday. Jill and Pam
> (guppy) have birthdays the same week, so we're having three, count 'em,
> three birthday cakes. It's all figured out: Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate
> Chocolate Cake, my mom's Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting, and my
> grandmother's Spice Cake with penuche frosting. This will be very good for
> my diabetes. ouch! I'm considering asking my doc for a small supply of
> glyburide just for the weekend, so my sugars don't get dangerously high.
> But dammit! You only turn 50 once!

Well, that's exciting! Go for it, Carol (without jeopardizing
your health, of course.) Just don't let you-know-who get wind of
it. <g>

I'm gonna make my daughter a blueberry pie. I haven't had the
courage to LC it, or even make it lower C. Oh well.

Jean B.