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notbob notbob is offline
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Default How do I find transcript for

On 2013-05-03, Janet Bostwick > wrote:

> sunflower oil. What's more, most of the lards on the market are free
> of the trans fats that so often lurk inside shortening.

On what planet!? Go down to yer local sprmkt and look for lard, then
read the label. Ten outta ten times it's hydrogenated, jes like
shortening and margerine.

"Hydrogenation of unsaturated fats produces saturated fats. In the case
of partial hydrogenation, trans fats may be generated as well."

I have NEVER seen un-hydrogenated lard in a US sprmkt. I hadda buy
mine at a local caniceria (Mex butcher), where they made their own
chicarrones and saved the lard. Alton is jes wrong, all the way thru
this episode. (not the first time)
