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Jim Elbrecht Jim Elbrecht is offline
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Default Rhubarb Season Is Here!

(Judy Haffner) wrote:

>After a looooooong winter, our rhubarb is finally tall enough to pull,
>so hubby went out and gathered enough for me to make my first pie of the
>season today. It's in the oven and smells heavenly! <

we had our first Rhubarb crisp of the season a couple days ago. I
don't know why I didn't just go with the old standby 'Fresh Fruit
Crisp' from Betty Crocker-- but thought I'd go for more 'crisp' and
saw this recipe;

I never thought I'd say 'too much crisp' - but the rhubarb was
completely lost. Otherwise, I liked the recipe so next time I might
just triple the rhubarb. We've been 'choking it down' with a
generous dollop of stewed rhubarb in the dish before heating-- and
topping with vanilla ice cream.

>His favorite is the one with fresh strained orange juice and a little
>rind and mine is the rhubarb custard pie, as that's the one my mother
>always made when I was growing up and is still my favorite.

The 'Fresh Fruit crisp' recipe is still my favorite-- though I
generally double the amount of crisp.

>Anybody else been making things out of rhubarb, or don't you care for
>it? I can't imagine someone not liking it, but I know several that
>don't. Heck, I even like plain ol' rhubarb sauce!

I can imagine folks not liking it-- It isn't a subtle flavor.<g>
I always have a jar of stewed rhubarb in the refrigerator this time of
year. Topping for oatmeal, ice cream, shortcake, lentils, rice--
or just as is.

Last year we started doing a few savory rhubarb dishes.

Yesterday we had asparagus, rhubarb and horseradish from the garden.
Spring has sprung.
