Rhubarb Season Is Here!
On 05/05/2013 2:47 PM, sf wrote:
>> Anybody else been making things out of rhubarb, or don't you care for
>> it? I can't imagine someone not liking it, but I know several that
>> don't. Heck, I even like plain ol' rhubarb sauce!
> I love rhubarb, but no one else in the family does... so I don't cook
> it. When I was a kid, stewed rhubarb and regular rhubarb pie (not
> rhubarb something, rhubarb and sugar) were my favorites. Of course, a
> scoop of vanilla ice cream was the perfect accompaniment.
I'm with you there sf. I love it. I would gladly sit down to a bowl of
stewed rhubarb, and a fresh rhubarb pie is near the top of my list of
favourite pastries. My wife does not appreciate it at all. It has only
been the last few years that she has started to have a piece of the
rhubarb pies I have made. I have to admit that I can understand that
the flavour might be a little too sharp for some people
Reminds me of an incident last year or the year before when my nephew
came to visit with his wife and kids. Nephew's wife is Hungarian and
according to her, cake and coffee is a very important part of life for
Hungarians, and there youngest son was really looking forward to the
coffee cake we had made. It was a rhubarb coffee cake. I thought it was
delicious. Everyone else seemed to enjoy it. Little Thomas dug right
in, but as soon as he tasted the rhubarb his face started doing funny
things. It was like some kind of a cruel trick to him.