On 5/5/2013 4:24 PM, Feranija wrote:
> On 2013-05-05, Janet Wilder > wrote:
>> Greek yogurt?
>> Around here when you order guacamole in an authentic Mexican restaurant,
>> it's a bowl of mashed, yet still a little chunky, avocado.
>> Some restaurants that cater to more Anglo crowds will put in sweet
>> onion, lime juice, salt and some chopped tomato. A few will add diced
>> jalapenos. None add Greek yogurt. None add garlic. None ever add cilantro.
>> On the other side of the border, an order of guacamole is a plate with
>> three items: chunky-mashed avocado, diced tomato and diced onion. The
>> cut key limes are on the table. You mix it yourself.
> Hmmm... In my cookbooks 'Mexico's Feasts of Life' by Patricia Quintana
> and 'Mexico The Beautiful Cookbook' by Susanna Palazuelos (both Mexican
> cooks located in Mexico, no restaurants in US), bring four recipes for
> guacamole with cilantro, lime, onion, and chiles serranos, optionally
> jalapenos instead of serranos. Only one is without lime juice, one
> contain tomatillos, none contain any red tomatoes:
> Here are ingredients by Susanna:
> 2 large avocados,
> 1 Tbsp finely chopped onion,
> 1 or 2 chiles serranos sliced,
> 1 large tomato peeled and chopped,
> 2 sprigs cilantro chopped,
> lime juice,
> salt.
> Patricia however, brings three recipes for guacamole suitable for three
> different dishes; here are Patricia's ingredients for guacamole for a
> dish 'Pickled chiles stuffed with guacamole':
> 5 ripe avocados,
> 2 medium white onions peeled and finely chopped,
> 3/4 cup fresh cilantro finely chopped,
> 3 fresh small chiles serranos or 1 small jalapeno finely chopped,
> The juice of 2 limes,
> salt to taste,
> 4 Tbsp olive oil.
> Her second recipe for guacamole suitable for 'Sincronizadas':
> 3 large ripe avocados peeled and finely chopped,
> 1 1/2 medium white onions peeled and finely chopped,
> 1 cup cilantro finely chopped,
> 1 Tbsp oregano,
> the juice of 3 limes,
> 6 Tbsp olive oil,
> salt to taste.
> And her third recipe for guacamole for 'Oaxacan beef with tomatillo
> sauce on tortillas'; no lime in this one:
> 4 ripe avocados finely chopped,
> 8 tomatillos husked and finely chopped,
> 3/4 cup cilantro finely chopped,
> 1 1/2 medium white onions peeled and finely chopped,
> 4 fresh chiles serranos or 2 jalapenos finely chopped,
> salt to taste.
> In one of cookbooks by Zarela Martinez, 'Food From My Heart'(she owns
> a restaurant in NY), there is a slightly different recipe; it contains
> a red tomato. And the ratio of lime juice is way off compared to other
> ones from previously mentioned cookbooks:
> Zarela's ingredients:
> 4 ripe medium-size avocados peeled and seeded,
> 1 firm medium size ripe red tomato seeded and chopped,
> 1/4 finely minced onion,
> 1/4 cup finely minced fresh cilantro leaves,
> 1 Tbsp dried Mexican oregano crumbled,
> 2 fresh jalapeno chiles, tops removed, seeded and finely chopped,
> 2 Tbsp fresh lime juice,
> salt to taste.
> I guess Mexico is a large country and preferences are different too,
> and recipes may differ slightly from Sonora and Baja down to Quintana
> Roo and Oaxaca. But, of course no garlic and yogurt or other milk
> products in any of those recipes.
I like the idea of tomatilloes, which I'd never tried; next time perhaps.
Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
Extraneous "not." in Reply To.