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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default Sautéed spinach

On 5/5/2013 12:57 PM, notbob wrote:
> I'm on a low carb diet. Jes GOTTA lose some weight. Getting sick of
> the all meat silliness, so exploring veggies options. I discovered
> sautéed spinach, last night. Some OO, fresh garlic, red pepper
> flakes, sauté fresh spinach to partially limp, add T water, continue
> till water gone, add squeeze of lemon juice and S&P. OMG! This so
> good, I wanted 2 more helpings.
> So, I'm hooked on this dish. Can anyone suggest other leafy greens
> this might work on. I love collards, but they're pretty tough.
> Howzabout chard? Any other suggestions? Thnx.
> nb

If you liked the sauteed spinach (ya did good, next time add a
tablespoon or two of Half 'n Half, the spinach is so creamy and
delicious). You would probably like chard. I am on a low carb diet, and
I eat a lot of vegetables. Glad you are breaking out and finding new
vegetables to try out.
