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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Sautéed spinach

On 5/5/2013 6:45 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 05/05/2013 1:57 PM, notbob wrote:
>> I'm on a low carb diet. Jes GOTTA lose some weight. Getting sick of
>> the all meat silliness, so exploring veggies options. I discovered
>> sautéed spinach, last night. Some OO, fresh garlic, red pepper
>> flakes, sauté fresh spinach to partially limp, add T water, continue
>> till water gone, add squeeze of lemon juice and S&P. OMG! This so
>> good, I wanted 2 more helpings.

> My wife low carbs and when she was worked she used to occasionally have
> lunch in a place that served deep fried spinach. She said it was delicious.

I wasn't low-carbing (never have) but I can attest to deep fried spinach
being delicious!

For sauteed, in a skillet, I lightly brown slivered garlic in a little
olive oil, just until fragrant. Then (carefully!) add washed spinach
leaves. They'll have enough moisture without adding extra liquid. Let
cook down until the spinach is wilted. At this point, season with salt
& pepper. I sometimes grate Parmesan over it.
