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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default How do you tell when a mango is ripe enough for easy separation?

On 06/05/2013 6:20 PM, wrote:

>> I managed to cut it away from the pit, then put it thru the FP and reduced it to mush - made a nice banana, milk, yogurt, chocolate smoothie for lunch. I may not buy another for a very long time, tho. Too bad - they are a nutritional powerhouse, plus I like the flavor.

> That is one thing I don't mind buying frozen, already cut up into
> convenient cubes, just right with some yogurt for brekkie.

I am envious of people who live in places where ripe mangoes are readily
accessible. I have all but given up on them. They are rarely less than
$1.50 and never perfectly ripe. I too have resorted to getting my mango
fix from the freezer section. I get a lot more mango for my money that
way. I know I am missing the best of the best, but I rarely got that anyway.