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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default How do you tell when a mango is ripe enough for easy separation?

On Mon, 06 May 2013 15:09:53 -0500, Janet Wilder
> wrote:

>On 5/6/2013 1:27 PM, Kalmia wrote:
>> I kept one for at least 5 days - and still it was a bear to clean. I did discover some useful cleaning techniques on youtube. But the ripeness has to be a factor too, no? I'm trying to add these little powerhouses to my diet, but it ain't easy, man.

>I keep mangos on the windowsill in a perforated metal basket. They are
>ripe when they have a lot of give when you press them.
>There are You Tube videos on how to cut one up, but I stand it on the
>thin side, and slice it about halfway from midsection on both sides.
>these are the mango "cheeks"
>Holding a cheek in the palm of my left hand, I use a pairing knife to
>cut vertical and horizontal cuts into the cheek then turn it inside out
>and cut the cubes off.
>I don't get too close to the giant seed as that flesh is sometimes pithy.

This! I've been a fan of mangoes for years now. I just cut them into
"mango cheeks" like Janet describes, then pare the skin off the seed
portion, and EAT! I have also learned to do the "cube" thing when
adding mangies to fruit salad. Yum!

John Kuthe...