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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Squeaky green beans.

Julie Bove wrote:
> Does this bother you? Do you notice it? I had a friend who said he
> couldn't eat them because the squeaking bothered him. And I hadn't noticed
> it until he said it. Of course they won't squeak if they are cooked to
> mush, but fresh or frozen ones often will squeak when you eat them. I am
> eating some now and apparently easily amused!

I don't like my beans squeaky. If you don't pick the beans so tiny, you
get more, and can cook them until they sort of turn gray and they will
still have texture and flavor. If you pick them small, just eat 'em
raw, they don't squeak that way either.

I buy frozen French-cut green beans to use in stirfry and I have to be
careful to cook them past the squeak stage. It sounds silly but I'm
