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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46,524
Default Squeaky green beans.

> Green beans can't be cooked to mush despite what people say. I've had
> green beans that have been slowly cooked for a good two hours or more
> and I've never seen them fall apart and turn to mush. Even home
> canned green beans remain intact when they're cooked like that.

Ha! You never ate at my grandma's house then! There was some story in the
paper about botulism and canned green beans. She read it and freaked! Of
course this applied to home canned beans. But that's not what she used.
She bought the commercially canned. They were good because she cooked them
with bacon. But she literally cooked them all day. Put them on after
breakfast to be ready by dinner. You could eat them with a spoon.