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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Squeaky green beans.

Nancy Young wrote:
> On 5/8/2013 12:23 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 5/8/2013 12:14 PM, gloria p wrote:

>>> If your vegetables squeaking bothers you, you have too much time on
>>> your hands. May that be the greatest of your worries.

>> No kidding! I love green beans. I've never noticed them "squeaking"
>> (and no, I don't cook them to "mush").

> Me, too, I'll eat green beans any old way, though some methods
> are much better than others. Squeak away, if it comes to that.
> I even ate canned green beans on vacation. We were kind of stuck
> eating at this steak place. Very iffy place but my steak was
> pretty good. However, I was surprised to be served canned green
> beans. I ate 'em anyway. They dressed them up with bacon.
> Best green beans I've had in a while were served at a barbecue place.
> I ordered brisket and a side of green beans. Holy crow, they gave
> me a mile high stack of green beans, if I wanted to sit there long
> enough I would have eaten them all. Fresh and cooked to perfection.
> nancy

I always travel with canned green beans among other things. Good vegetables
can be hard to come by in restaurants and often the only kind of salad
they'll have is the Iceberg lettuce. If I have the canned stuff with me, I
can pop open a can of green beans, another of kidney beans and some pears or
applesauce and call it a meal.