Go Bananas!
Helpful person wrote:
> I shop where i can get the produce I want. It's often difficult but
> I'm usually successful. (I recently spent hours and about 20 shops
> trying to find imported salami. South East of Hartford, Connecticut
> is a desert for good food shops.)
I know what you mean! I know a lot of people who tend to shop at one store
and only one store. I have a friend who used to shop only at Costco. She
said if they didn't sell it, her family couldn't eat it. Luckily they moved
near a Grocery Outlet so that expanded her horizons somewhat. Her family
does have extreme financial constraints and some might say that is their own
fault but I won't get into that here. So that's why they are limited.
I just wish there would be one store where I could get all that I need. But
there never is. There is always some brand of something that I want. Or
maybe sweet potatoes. Can't get them at Albertsons because they keep them
refrigerated. Or wheat grass for my cats. Not all stores carry that. The
really annoying thing is that I can't always remember where it is that I
bought a certain thing. And I can't always find that info. online either.