Simplot Says it has made a Better Potato
On 5/10/2013 6:06 PM, Jeßus wrote:
> On Thu, 09 May 2013 08:34:27 -0500, "Pete C." >
> wrote:
>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Just what we need. More Frankenfoods!
>> How is this a "frankenfood"? It's all potato, so it isn't really a GMO
>> it's more appropriately thought of as a hybrid that has been produced
>> under more controlled conditions. It has no genes from other species,
>> produces no built-in pesticides, etc.
> So they say... whatever your definition of 'GMO' might be, we don't
> need another vegetable 'improved' for the benefit of the manufacturer,
> rather than the consumer.
Now *that* I agree with. Besides, when it comes to a potato that
doesn't go brown within 10 minutes after slicing... most of us know the
cold water with a dash of lemon juice or white vinegar trick.