Any RFC'ers in P hoenix?
21Twelve > wrote:
>Christine Dabney wrote:
>> How about meat markets, or good places to buy meat. Even supermarket
>> meat counters? As well as places to find more exotic ingredients?
>> Good cheeses, breads, etc?
>Here's some places for meat:
>- Most carnicerias are good.
>- SW Meats on 48th Street north of McDowell (2019 N. 48th St.)
>- Hobe Meats, 16th Street north of Bethany Home Rd. This one's not
>showing up in Yahoo's yellow pages. Don't know why - haven't been up
>that way in a while, may be closed.
It was open a couple of months ago when I drove by. I was
going to go in, but instead I checked online reviews and
the prices were nutso.
"Those'd better be the filet mignon
of ham hocks..."