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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default Squeaky green beans.

On Sun, 12 May 2013 19:01:59 +0100, "Ophelia"
> wrote:

>"Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sun, 12 May 2013 08:59:29 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>>On Sun, 12 May 2013 16:20:08 +0100, "Ophelia"
> wrote:
>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> >> That is how I always cook ours, but I am interested in the other ways
>>>> >> described by posters here, especially cooked with bacon.
>>>> >>
>>>> > First, you need American style bacon....
>>>> Ok, you have me intrigued ...!
>>>> --
>>>Most of the time, it's just greasy beans... but this food blog makes
>>>it sound nice plus the picture makes you want to reach in and grab it.

>> Whoa! there missy! Greasy? Not so. At least not with a good cook.
>> My mom's way produces essentially the same as a vinaigrette. I don't
>> think they are served greasy unless that is the way the cook likes
>> them

>Share your Mum's way?

O.k., no measurements because it is Mum's way, O.k.?
Cook your beans until desired doneness.
Meanwhile dice a couple of rashers of bacon (depending on how many
beans you are fixing) and cook until crisp. Remove bacon. Depending
how much fat is left in pan, maybe remove some so there is a some
left in pan. Dice a small onion and cook in bacon grease until tender
and a little golden. Remove from pan. Now this part is definitely to
taste. One tablespoon grease, one teaspoon white sugar, and some
white vinegar to make a sauce. Return everything to pan and toss to
mix, serve.
Gosh, I hadn't though about wilted lettuce in a long time either. You
could probably use the measurements for the dressing for Wilted
Lettuce for the bacon sauce for beans. In fact, I would.

Wilted Lettuce
1 head lettuce (we always use loose-leaf garden lettuce)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 slices bacon
1 small onion, diced
1/2 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
Tear lettuce into pieces. Dice bacon, cook until crisp, remove from
fat and cook onion in fat until tender. Add vinegar and sugar, when
hot pour over lettuce, toss and sprinkle with bacon. Serve
Janet US