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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default Squeaky green beans.

"Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message

>>Share your Mum's way?

> O.k., no measurements because it is Mum's way, O.k.?

Oh yes That is the way I cook

> Cook your beans until desired doneness.
> Meanwhile dice a couple of rashers of bacon (depending on how many
> beans you are fixing) and cook until crisp. Remove bacon. Depending
> how much fat is left in pan, maybe remove some so there is a some
> left in pan. Dice a small onion and cook in bacon grease until tender
> and a little golden. Remove from pan. Now this part is definitely to
> taste. One tablespoon grease, one teaspoon white sugar, and some
> white vinegar to make a sauce. Return everything to pan and toss to
> mix, serve.

Excellent! I can see how that works! Thanks! <saved>

> Gosh, I hadn't though about wilted lettuce in a long time either. You
> could probably use the measurements for the dressing for Wilted
> Lettuce for the bacon sauce for beans. In fact, I would.
> Wilted Lettuce
> 1 head lettuce (we always use loose-leaf garden lettuce)
> 1/2 teaspoon salt
> 3 slices bacon
> 1 small onion, diced
> 1/2 cup vinegar
> 1 tablespoon sugar
> Tear lettuce into pieces. Dice bacon, cook until crisp, remove from
> fat and cook onion in fat until tender. Add vinegar and sugar, when
> hot pour over lettuce, toss and sprinkle with bacon. Serve
> immediately

All that sounds really good!!! All saved and I will try it next week)

Thanks very much!
