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Default Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013

On 2013-05-12 12:01:55 +0000, Ed Pawlowski said:

> Watch it. The lady is a real nut case. The husband takes the tips
> and she fires people every week.

Another big bonus he yells, threatens and pushes a customer who after
waiting an hour or so for his pizza his complaining. Then said
customer and friend attempt to leave. The owner tries to block his
exit, demanding payment for the pizza that was never received. As they
exit the Amy, the chef is calling them pansy's or some such slur.

> My guess: Now that this has hit the air, they will have a slight
> surge in business from curiosity seekers, then it will shut down.

Check them on yelp. The last few HUNDRED of the reviews are of people
who have never been there but are incensed about one thing or other
that they saw on the show. Another group is people who've been there
but never wrote a review and figure it's time to pile on.

sf asks:

> How can they be so crowded if they are really that bad?

Gordon lauds her desserts in the program. Apparently she does one thing well.

A number of the Yelp reviews, pre-Gordon, indicate the place is empty,
or that they are only one of two couple or some such.