On 15/05/2013 4:49 AM, Timo wrote:
> ds, since yeast is micro-organisms.
> I wasn't aware of any debate on yeast in Jainism - AFAIK, it's
> well-accepted as prohibited. Other religions will vary on whether
> they classify yeast as vegetarian/ahimsa acceptable. There is debate
> on yeast among the Hare Krishnas.
> Potatoes are interesting, coming to the India long after these
> religions developed. Some religions went "root vegetable, so
> forbidden", and others went "it isn't on our list of forbidden foods,
> so we can eat it".
New religions are popping up all the time. When you have a country with
hundreds of millions of people there are always going to be a few people
who are going to want to be different and either start their own
religion or hook up with some little cult or sect. When you have that
many people it's not so hard to others with the same strange quirk.