Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013
On 5/16/2013 2:16 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 5/16/2013 11:29 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> BTW, these people certainly don't talk or act like they're the
>> "religious" people they purported to be. Of course were "hacked"...
>> yeah, right. Got the FBI right on it! LOLOL Watch the video, fools,
>> then look in the mirror. No one else would have posted those replies.
>> Makes for interesting reading and viewing.
> Wishing hurt on someone? Yes, that's WJWD.
I'll bet they even have that little fish symbol on the back of their
cars. Speaking of cars, Ramsay spoke to some former employees. One of
the bussers said he had to wash the guy's car for him!
> I checked out that
> link you posted. Holy Crow, I don't know who's more off the wall.
> The husband who thinks he can use the computer better than the
> waitresses (hahahahaha!!!! hunt and peck)
I know, right? Not allowed to touch the computer. Then he gets
flustered when a server needs him to pour another glass of wine while
he's entering an order. Because the servers aren't allowed to pour
wine, either.
> or the lady who thinks
> waiting an hour for each dish is normal restaurant service.
She only handles one ticket at a time! That's ridiculous. There are
some jobs where you simply *have* to be able to multi-task. Being a
chef is definitely one of them.
I'd like to see her try to last a single day as a short-order cook.
(I'm thinking Waffle House, around 7:30AM.) Oh, sorry, I can only cook
one order at a time. They'd laugh her right out the door.
> And the instant someone pops out that word Haters, I am done
> with them.
> nancy
I'm with you there.