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Default Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013

On Sat, 11 May 2013 09:11:02 -0700, gtr > wrote:

>Okay, it's a guilty pleasure. And I never see the topic come up here,
>so that says good things about rfc.
>Last night the season finale took place at Amy's Baking Company in
>Scottsdal and it was the most astounding thing I've ever seen on one of
>this "restaurant saving" programs. Ramsey actually gave up and left. He
>says it's the first time he has given up in 200 such ventures.
>It is absolutely fascinating to see if you get the chance.
>One seminal element of the show is Amy & Husband's feuding with Yelpers
>about their reviews. So I wen to Yelp and ran it down. The first
>couple of hundred seem to relate more to the Ramsey show. But the
>first few hundred (from a few years ago), are fascinating.
>Apparently if you gave a bad review to what appears to be an INSANELY
>bad restaurant, the paranoid nuts that run the place
>responded--repeatedly--to your review, calling you a liar, demanding to
>see the receipt to prove you were actually there. All kinds of funny
>I must say that after seeing the show and going to bed last night I
>felt kind of disturbed by the thing. And when I woke up I was having a
>dream about the place, also rather disturbing. You wouldn't think
>restaurant reviews and restaurateurs would be that scary.
>They are!

You can't buy this kind of press. They are getting exactly what they
were after, press and attention. It doesn't matter if it's bad or not,
they will do a great business because some people will want to go
check out the new "soup nazi"

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James Beard