Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013
sf wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 2013 14:56:32 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> One of my aunts had a store for a while. Didn't make her any money
>> but gave her something to do. She was wealthy so didn't need any
>> income that it might have generated.
> She probably had a reason. In the city, you see lots of stores that
> aren't doing much business but manage to stay open way beyond the time
> normal people would have thrown in the towel. There are two reasons
> for that, either they're a way to launder money or some old goat is
> making work for his mistress and he's using it as a write off. Your
> aunt's store was probably a way she supported her hobby and she could
> travel under the guise of buying for the store. Everything she bought
> was for sale so it was legal and she could write off all her expenses,
> which included travel and rent.
She said it gave her something to do. She made what she called "dinks".
This was just an assortment of artsy craftsy things. It was mostly her
stuff that she was trying to sell. She had a small back room in the shop
and she'd sit back there and make things. Sadly they were the sort of
things that people wanted to buy.
I know that she wouldn't be doing money laundering. She used to have a
cabin and named it PTL. My uncle was in the oil business and did very well
at it. So she never had to work.