"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Daughter and I were stooging it today. Went shopping at Albertsons,
> Target and Costco. Mostly got stuff for the food back at Albertsons but
> did get some things for the pasta salad that I'll make on Sat. Was hoping
> that Costco would still have the assorted little grape and cherry
> tomatoes. They did! Also picked up a big container of cherries and a
> fruit platter for husband.
> Got home. Daughter opened the back of the van and shrieked! Apparently
> the bag had toppled. A few cherries fell to the driveway along with all
> of the tomatoes! We picked up all of the tomatoes that we could easily
> reach but a few were under the van. Since the driveway is on a slight
> slant, those eventually rolled near the sidewalk. We opted just to leave
> the cherries there because I know the birds love them and we have quite a
> few birds in the front yard. I think they have nests there.
> Picked up the fruit platter and tomatoes and walked them into the house.
> Then I could feel the front of my shirt getting wetter and wetter. Fruit
> platter was upside down and I was doused with melon juice. So while I was
> cleaning up inside the house, daughter came in, laughing her head off.
> It's a nice day, we're across the street from a park and people are always
> walking their dogs out there. She said people gave her the funniest looks
> when they say the produce all over. We do have a cherry tree so they were
> probably thinking it was a bit early for those.
Nice to hear cheerful stuff, even if a bit messy
