Got a mess in front of my house!
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 16 May 2013 20:36:42 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Daughter and I were stooging it today. Went shopping at Albertsons,
>> Target
>> and Costco. Mostly got stuff for the food back at Albertsons but did get
>> some things for the pasta salad that I'll make on Sat.
> Why do you buy stuff specifically for the food bank? Just give the
> money you'd spend on those items to the food bank. They can typically
> buy 5x more food with the money than you can at the grocery store.
Because I can donate the food at the store I am already shopping at. To
give to them, I would have to drive to the food bank and that is out of my
way. I generally only buy items that I can get a good deal on. Yesterday I
got just over $40 worth of food and bar soap and toothpaste for $19.18. I
also sometimes give things from my house. But never expired food. Maybe
things that we thought we would like but did not. Or things we can no
longer eat or use. I also donated toothbrushes yesterday. The ones I
bought did not work for me so I am going back to the Spinbrush and I donated
those. I also donate any items given to me by my dentist because I can not
use those.
>> Picked up the fruit platter and tomatoes and walked them into the house.
>> Then I could feel the front of my shirt getting wetter and wetter. Fruit
>> platter was upside down and I was doused with melon juice.
> You should just cut your own melon at home... [wait for it!]
Uh huh. We went through this last year.