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Default Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013

On 2013-05-18 14:21:38 +0000, Gary said:

> Time for me to play the "devil's advocate" here.
> Interesting how no one has mentioned this yet but let me be the first.
> I suspect that this show was one of the greatest reality tv TROLLS ever@
> Think about it... You have Gordon Ramsay and national television in your
> restaurant to prove that you are a great restaurant. Wouldn't you be on your
> best behavior for the show?
> But they were not. They did all the arrogant and bad things. Look at all
> the posts about the show. It's the most talked about ever. Negative
> attention is still attention.

I'm not sure what advocacy you're claiming: Their bad attitude is
"acting" in an attempt to drive up a successful TV show's ratings and
their own restaurant's traffic? That would certainly be an interesting

> The network loved this. When they replay this show (probably right before
> they start the new season), the cost of advertising will probably skyrocket
> as many people that didn't see the episode will want to.

Sure. Reality TV has long since proven that idiots and nincompoops sell.

> The negative attention to the restaurant will probably work in their favor
> too. Negative attention is still better than no attention. Seriously....if
> they were in my town, I'd make reservations to go there just to see what
> it's like myself. I would@

We had a restaurant nearby that got "Ramsey'd" and decided after the
fact that they liked it better before he came, so their idiocy has
continued. The wife and I think it would be interesting to see how
goofy it is, but in the end, being brought a bucket of poorly prepared
food at market prices just didn't seem compelling enough. We've balked
three times and have concluded we don't like bad even if it's "weird".

> I suspect this show was a great marketing thing for the restaurant. They
> are not going to close down. They will probably prosper after this airing.
> Local and visiting people will go there just "to see for themselves" what
> it's like.

The "no one that's mentioned this" has mentioned this about 10 times
already in this thread. But it's certainly a screwy idea that people
might like to go to lousy places because bad food in hostile
environments is "funny". I have my doubts that this will keep them open
for too much longer.