Food Banks (WAS: Got a mess in front of my house!)
On 5/17/2013 11:22 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 2013 20:36:42 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Daughter and I were stooging it today. Went shopping at Albertsons, Target
>> and Costco. Mostly got stuff for the food back at Albertsons but did get
>> some things for the pasta salad that I'll make on Sat.
> Why do you buy stuff specifically for the food bank? Just give the
> money you'd spend on those items to the food bank. They can typically
> buy 5x more food with the money than you can at the grocery store.
> -sw
I have to agree with that. Oh sure, many years ago I'd pick up canned
food (there was no refrigerated or frozen food allowed at the time, they
didn't have facilities). Also household items. Toilet paper, anyone?.
I'd buy it at the grocery store to drop off at collection centers.
These days lots of food banks/pantries have a web site or at least a way
to donate via phone. I always did feel funny buying pampers and jars of
baby food. (laugh) I give them approximately the amount I'd have spent
on the extra items.
There is a food drive going on right now for the migrant workers on
Saint Helena. A group of Franciscan nuns are coordinating it. These
workers show up every year to plant, tend and then hand-pick the
tomatoes. I've seen them doing it! They also work at the farms that
grow melons... all kinds of melons and fruit. (Legal, illegal? I am
not getting into that debate. Everyone needs to eat. They're doing
jobs no one else is willing to do.)
I'll give the Franciscan Center some money towards food for them. If
you can't trust a bunch of Franciscan nuns, who can you trust? LOL
Note: I've been to the Franciscan Center. They aren't living in the lap
of luxury. They run a thrift shop and employ people who are down on
their luck.