Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013
On 5/18/2013 1:29 PM, George Leppla wrote:
> On 5/18/2013 12:21 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> It's a clothing store chain, it is geared to younger people
>> and by that, I mean the thin, beautiful young people. They
>> don't carry over a size 10 and most of the stuff in the store
>> is much smaller.
>> The CEO is on record for saying he only wants cool non-fat
>> people in his stores or wearing their clothing. I'm paraphrasing.
> I'm thinking of taking a lawn chair, buying a hoagie or two and having
> lunch in front of one of their stores. Maybe I'll take my shirt off and
> get some sun while I am at it. <vbg>
Heh. Hey, I'll do that too! Wait ...
It's the kind of store where they have loud unpleasant music that repels
old farts like me (who happens to like loud music, just not theirs).
As I walk by I think Don't worry, your graphic tees are safe from me!
> FWIW... I don't give a rat's ass who they want to market to.
Ditto. I don't know why it bothers people.
> What
> bugged me is that they burned/destroyed unsold garments rather than
> donate them to homeless shelters. Salvation Army, Goodwill... because
> they didn't want the "wrong" people wearing their brand.
I missed that. I haven't been following the story that closely. That's