Kitchen Nightmares Finale 2013
On 5/19/2013 10:45 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sat, 18 May 2013 23:15:54 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> My friend who waits tables and also helps with the
>> catering has done it all of her life. Why? Because it is what she likes to
>> do. But it is a very low paying job for her. And from what she has told me
>> that is the going wage there. I can't remember what she said but something
>> like just over $2 an hour.
> Being a hotel banquet waiter can be quite a lucrative career... as is
> being a banquet bartender. The name of the game is "tips".
>> That's in TX. I also think TX is hurting in the job community.
> Texas has no income tax and low business taxes, so they're not hurting
> for jobs. Manufacturing is moving to the South in general because of
> less regulation and lower cost of living aka: wages. The rest of us
> are supposed to ignore that those states have the Walmart mentality
> and always put their hands out to the Federal government whenever
> there's a problem.
A week or so ago, there were a couple of people from a waiter/waitress
association on television, talking about hourly wages. They say most
waitstaff get $2.30 per hour, with the exception of California, because
that state requires minimum wage.
Another thing I have noticed, in greasy spoons you see women waiting on
tables, but in expensive restaurants, it is mostly, or only men. Where I
live, I see this over and over. She is getting tipped on a $3.99
breakfast, and he is getting tipped on a $75 steak dinner.