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Default Any RFC'ers in P hoenix?

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 02:53:37 GMT, Wayne > wrote:

>Christine Dabney > wrote in
>> On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 02:11:41 GMT, Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>>>Charles Gifford > wrote:
>>>>Redah who hosted the 2003 San Diego Cook-In is in Phoenix now too. I
>>>>don't think she has been able to read rfc recently but was a long
>>>>time poster. I have to admit to being surprised that none of the
>>>>Phoenix gang were able to make it to this year's SD Cook-In. It is
>>>>such a short trip compared to those who were able to come down from
>>>>Northern California.
>>>From NoCal to SD is a cultural improvement.
>>>From Phoenix to SD is slumming.
>>>Where are we going to do this RFC thing?

>> What RFC thang?
>> I just think it would be cool to get together with other Phoenix
>> RFC'ers. You in the area? You thinking of a cook-in?
>> Christine

>Maybe we could do a restaurant. I don't have a place suitable for a
>cook-in. Any other takers?

I'm in. Having previously hosted an rfc cookin, I'm sure my new place
will be suitable. I'll be moving from this tiny aparment to a house
in mid August. My preference would be to wait until fall for a
full-fledged cook-in.

In the meantime, let's do the restaurant thing and start planning a
cookin. How's that sound?
