Can a Bad wine turn Good??
So back in '09 I had lost 45 gallons of cab sav due to some sort of contamination, I believe. No one could tell me what it was, but it tasted, simply, bad. Not drinkable. I know it was contaminated only because I had several demijohns, and the bad ones had been topped off with what must have been a bad cab franc, which tasted abysmal (but fine at the time of topping). So, my wine making friend saved the best of the worst. Still not drinkable in my estimation, but he was planning to make vinegar. Long story short, he tricked me yesterday and served me some of the "bad 09". Upon first sip, I declared it was among the best homemade wines I had ever had and asked him where it came from.
So I ask you, should I worry at all about any "contamination" is the fact that it tastes ok now evidence enough that there is nothing harmful about this stuff?
Side note: once he told me it was my bad 09, I immediately detected the off notes that turned me off years ago, but now more subtle.
So anyway, what's the worst that could happen???