"notbob" > wrote in message
> On 2013-05-23, jmcquown > wrote:
>> least bit of hesitation using chemicals to keep them away from the
> Yep. We have two small sheds and the doors are not a seal-tight fit.
> The damn wasps seek out a crack and literally crawl their way into
> this shed to build a nest. As soon as I see any activity, I set off
> an insecticide bomb and kill 'em all. Usually gotta do it twice per
> season. I've never seen so many different kinds of wasps and hornets
> as here in CO. I saw one that looked like a flying guernsey cow!
> Sucker was black and white, furry, and huge! Fortunately, those are
> pretty rare. It's those damn dangly-legged yel/blk suckers that are
> the most common. I have cans of Raid stashed all over the place and
> carry two on my hip. I can shoot 'em down in mid-flight. 
> nb
I just pictured you in a six-gun rig, with swatters as the six guns, and
cans of raid as the cartridges along the back of the belt. And steely eyes,
of course. I hear some music starting up . . .