On 2013-05-17 06:27:09 +0000, gtr said:
> On 2013-05-17 06:08:21 +0000, sf said:
>>>> Yes, I don't reheat fish either - although I think there was a little
>>>> bit leftover that hubby ate for lunch the following day. I cut the
>>>> proportions down and estimated how much I wanted/needed of everything
>>>> else. Coconut milk freezes well, so I used half a can of coconut milk
>>>> and a little more stock than was called for.
> Incidentally I notice no call for stock. The wife made a fish stock
> from very meaty salmon bones (bought at Mitsuwa), for a fish chowder a
> few months back. A velvety ambrosia. Once the soup was made, to
> raves, we were quick to consider the bones for this dish. Picked them
> up today. Then came home and noted the only fluid is the coconut milk,
> and we halfed that, somewhat worried it would take the thing over.
> Now we're figuring to make the broth anyhow and freeze it, then move on
> to the moqueca.
>>> Trying this again this weekend. This time for a party of 10. This
>>> should be interesting...
>> Please keep me posted! A party of 10 is really giving it full faith!
>> Thumbs up - 
> It seems logical: For a group that big individual portions of anything
> are frequently either too big or too little. With the stew mode they
> can take a little or a lot.
We used 3.5 lbs fish, again the Pacific rock fish (or whatever it's
called upstream), and at least doubled most everything from the
original recipe. When preparing this for two I saw from my notes that I
didn't think the taste bright or well-defined enough. At the same time
I had cheated down the dende and coconut milk, and instead of chili
used Japanese shichimi pepper and not as much of it. I was reticent as
Nancy is uncomfortable with "too spicy". Or so she says, though I've
rarely seen her actually balk.
Anyway, I was wrong on all counts. So this time, cooking for the group,
I came *almost* to the suggested dende levels, used all the coconut
milk, and full levels of cayenne and chili powder. The group trilled
its glories.