OT garden hose opinions?
Polly Esther wrote:
> Absolutely OT but I appreciate the varied opinions of this group. The
> garden hose I use for my plants is rubber, weighs about 100 pounds
> empty and is slowly declining. I need to replace it before it
> springs a spout and does a Yosemite episode on my great-grandmother
> old body. The reviews for that 'only available on tv' collapsible
> hose are terrible. Dismal. Awful. Got it. Anybody here have a
> garden hose that is so light-weight even a 2 year-old can handle it? What
> about a great-granny? It doesn't have to last forever. Polly
Years ago I had one of those flat hoses. It was lightweight and great for
maybe 2 months. I can't remember what fate befell it but I had to get rid
of it. Since then, I've not found a hose that I liked. All of them seem to
leak at the faucet end and all get badly kinked. I know enough not to buy
the cheap plastic ones but I've even spent about $30 for a hose and it
kinked and went bad soon after. Doesn't matter much here though since we
are usually not supposed to use hoses due to water restrictions. My
gardener uses them once in a while and I might squirt off my van on occasion
or rinse out a trash can. I don't water the plants. Good luck finding a
good one!